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By August 10, 2014Uncategorized

Hi all, a few quick updates while we’re working. Apologies for not having more during the day, as we’re working pretty hard

  • Thank you for all the updates about hiking locations, etc, that may be of interest. Please continue to send that to us
  • If anyone thinks they saw Derek between the hours of 12:01am and 5:00AM at Union Station, Greyhound stops, or other public transportation stops, please let us know
  • We are updating a thorough list of places that have been checked throughout today as people email us.
  • Please DO NOT text Derek if you have his phone number, as we are running data on the phone
  • Any usage of his accounts at this point are us, as we have full account access
  • We do have a last known location but we are still locating a key person for more information. When we do, we will update everyone on this location for witnesses.

I know that’s not much but we will have more updates and photos soon.

Join the discussion 9 Comments

  • Susie says:

    You really should set up a facebook page. You’d get way more eyes on the case.

  • Jo says:

    I just wanted to let you know my husband and I saw your flyer here in Santa Monica on 5th/Wilshire. While we don’t have any helpful information to offer, I will be sure to forward this information on Facebook. Good luck and God bless you as you search for your loved one

  • Angie says:

    I’d like to help, feel free to let me know. I’m a pre-med student at HSC, and it’s very sad to think someone is missing, not to mention with so much to live for…. is there any other things that he enjoyed doing besides being outdoors? Did he leave any clues behind such as particular purchases, or receipts? Maybe he blogged or hinted in his recent posts? At this point, anything can hold clues.

  • kelly ciurtney says:

    Do you have search dogs looking for derek

  • Tom Whittaker says:

    You might recognize the family name. I’m the father of Trent Whittaker, a good friend of Derek.

    This family is also surprised, concerned, even to worried at his disappearance.

    A suggestion I haven’t seen yet. How about a psychic? Wish I knew one to recommend.

    Our very best wishes for his safe return.

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