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Coming soon: How you can help

By August 10, 2014Uncategorized






Thank you everyone for all the help you’ve been offering. We are working really hard to get together a way for everyone to start handing out flyers. Be patient with us, we are working as hard and fast we can. Thank you so much


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Join the discussion 4 Comments

  • Dorothy says:

    Do you have access to Derek’s Facebook account in addition to his gmail account? I just entered my previous message history with Derek and it says that his profile was active 9 hours ago. Just curious and wanted to let you know. I care very dearly for Derek and will continue to send positive thoughts and hold Derek’s family in the light during this surreal and difficult time.

    • Helpfindderek says:

      Hi Dorothy, yes we have access to all of his accounts. Any activity is us at this point. All the best.

  • Martha says:

    Please send me the flyer if possible. I had the pleasure of meeting Derek at work (patriot ambulance) I would like to help in anyway possible. Please let me know

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