Hi all, We’re aware of the John doe in SFGH, we don’t believe it’s Derek at this time, although we’ll do our due diligence. Thanks so much
Hi all, a few quick updates while we’re working. Apologies for not having more during the day, as we’re working pretty hard Thank you for all the updates about hiking locations, etc, that may be of interest. Please continue to send that to us If anyone thinks they saw Derek between the hours of 12:01am and 5:00AM at Union Station, Greyhound stops, or other public transportation stops, please let us know We are updating a thorough list of places that have been checked throughout today as people email us. Please DO NOT text Derek if you have his phone number, as we are running data on the phone Any usage of his accounts at this point are us, as we have full account access We do have a last known location but we are still locating a key person for more information. When we do, we will update everyone on this location for witnesses. I know that’s not much but we will have more updates and photos soon.
This is the video where Derek was last seen. If anyone has any information please email us at info@helpfindderek.com Thank you
Thank you everyone for all the help you’ve been offering. We are working really hard to get together a way for everyone to start handing out flyers. Be patient with us, we are working as hard and fast we can. Thank you so much
We have access to his gmail account. If you see activity, it is likely us on the website going through records
Hi all I wanted to give a bit more information about what we’re doing to find Derek as well as a bit more information that hopefully may be useful for any tips you may have. We know that on Tuesday evening, Derek was last seen in the Echo Park area. He was on foot and was wearing the following LAPD, USC DPS have been working with us since 5pm 8/8/14 and we have been working around the clock to find him. Please keep in mind there are some details that are sensitive at this time, so please work with us to make sure we fulfill our #1 goal, which is finding Derek. Here is what you can do -We have flyers available for anyone who is willing to put them in places of interest, particularly places relating to nature (campgrounds), and transportation. Please see the attached file for the official PDF. -Please get in touch with us (info@helpfindderek.com) if you would like to help in this regard. MISSING PERSON_FINAL_updated Thanks so much